JavaScript, and they called it Puppy Love

21 Jan 2021

Hate me if you want, JavaScript has me hooked

I started my coding career learning a bit of Python. I then underwent 3 years of learning Java. I actually thought it was quite confusing too. Only recently, as in the semester of Fall 2020 did I try to learn C. The class I took was extremely challenging and unfortunately, I failed it. Yes I failed a class. However, I didn’t give up through the class and I tried my damnest to pick up as much knowledge as I could. I might have earned a failing grade, but what I learned from C actually made me understand what coding really is and how it actually works. Sure I could create a program in Java like I had to for my past classes, but I had many unanswered questions. Whats a compiler actually doing? Why do I have to run Java in this specific program that creates an “environment”? C was really hard for me to pick up on, but I did learn these key concepts and understand what I’m actually doing way more and that was my main take away from that horrid class.

I’ll be honest, I have yet to build a project with JavaScript

Nonetheless, I am very excited to start. After completing’s free coding camp, it had me absolutely shocked at the simplicity of it. Now I know there are many programmers that actually despise this language, but so far it seems like coding wrapped up all nice and presented in a bow. This may also be me, thrilled to not have to code in C, in its crude black-white unix command line that still haunts me in my sleep. I mean, I jumped up and exclaimed “NO WAY” when I noticed JavaScript fills in your missing semi-colons..


The term athletic software engineering, is quite a fitting name. I’ve grown up playing sports all my life, and I very well understand that daily practice is what breeds elite level players. I do not enjoy “traditional” school, and actually athletic learning fits me nicely. I find each module more as a challenge, than just an assignment with a grade. The path to success is clearly layed out, and there are lots of opportunity to practice and improve upon what we learn. It is 100% stressful, however I’m grateful for this approach and will do my best to utilize it to its fullest potential.